Kitchen Remodeling

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Expert Kitchen Remodeling

Everyone gets inspired by new designs and innovative concepts around their kitchen. For many households, it’s the heart and center of your living space because kitchens provide love and warmth.

Very few places can bring people together while also providing vibrant energy through food and conversation. Alon Design and Remodeling recognizes the value of this sacred area and delivers exceptional kitchen remodeling services.

Our purpose is fairly simple. We want to help cultivate your vision for what your future kitchen should look like and then execute a kitchen remodeling plan to perfection. There will be no glossing over details or cutting corners because an idea is too complicated.

We promise to always be upfront and transparent with our advice and tell you our honest opinion. And complete transparency also involves open lines of communication. Our skilled workers won’t begin a new phase of kitchen remodeling without consulting everyone and approving any extra costs.

Budgetary concerns play a factor in most kitchen remodeling discussions. Something that wasn’t supposed to cost as much ends up needing more money to finish the project. Alon Design and Remodeling prides itself on integrity and performs kitchen remodeling with collective communication amongst everyone.

Price-gouging and overloading on labor hours are practices we don’t believe in because it’s not fair to customers. You’re choosing to invest your hard-earned money in Alon’s kitchen remodeling, and we intend to protect your capital.

Fashioning Your Own Style

Being frugal with money and carefully calculating a budget for kitchen remodeling allows you to accomplish more within the project itself.

Essentially, you’re able to categorize the different phases of kitchen renovation, and occasionally, you may have additional funds left over for other projects like bathroom remodeling and room additions.

But focusing on kitchen upgrades specifically, Alon offers endless possibilities. Our talented professionals can use their craftsmanship to manufacture and mold any style and concept you desire. Actions we implement on a regular basis are the following:

  • Cabinet Refinishing
  • Countertop Replacement
  • Flooring Installation
  • Light Fixture Assembly
  • Plumbing & Electrical Work
  • Customizable Accessories

Alon’s kitchen remodeling isn’t limited to any of these activities. In fact, new construction generated organically from creative ideas is something we enjoy strategizing for. Anytime we can allow our most productive and inventive employees to showcase their expertise, the final product turns out great!

Kitchen remodels present a unique opportunity for people to unleash untapped potential. You often find yourself exposed to new approaches and ways of thinking that you never imagined were possible. For example, kitchen renovations are one of the easiest ways to increase the value of your home.

Alon Design and Remodeling utilizes high-quality materials and building methods to ensure your kitchen makeover not only succeeds at adding value but that it also exceeds your expectations. We want you to fall in love with your new kitchen and cherish the many benefits it brings to your home.

Collaborative Process

Our home remodeling experts will consult with you through every step of the process, offering advice and talking through different concepts. It’s important for your voice to be heard, and speaking with someone else helps generate new ideas.

We love listening to your thoughts and discussing your picture for a new kitchen! Big projects require extensive planning and many technical conversations about components like designs, colors, and materials.

Renovating your kitchen is a massive commitment that needs to be handled at a certain pace. Our kitchen remodeling team at Alon understands how to manage projects of this importance. Time management and decision-making are two key elements of the collaboration process.

At some point, the planning and brainstorming part of the journey has to end, and it’s time to start kitchen remodeling. Even when things get chaotic and stressful, we’re right there alongside you every step of the way!

Our many years of experience in the kitchen remodeling space will give you comfort knowing you’re in capable hands. That’s one of the reasons we decided to start this business. We get to connect with people on a more personal level and help them build the kitchen of their dreams.

The amount of satisfaction we receive from that alone is enough motivation to continue our company far into the future.


What costs the most in a kitchen remodel?

Without looking at your kitchen’s remodeling plan and budget, it’s difficult to say with absolute certainty what’s going to cost the most. Generally, cabinet replacement will cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000, depending on which materials you want. Exact quotes and estimates must be made by the individual responsible for your kitchen renovation.

Is there a section of my kitchen that needs to be replaced first?

Installation of new appliances and replacing items can’t begin until the old infrastructure is removed. That requires demolition and gutting of specific areas of your kitchen first. From there, any framing or plumbing work takes priority. The next steps of the process should be discussed with your team of hired experts on the best kitchen remodeling strategy!

Does flooring go in before or after kitchen cabinets?

Flooring will almost always be installed before the kitchen cabinets. This is because the cabinets need to match the height of everything else in close proximity to avoid uneven or asymmetrical shaping. Also, putting in the cabinets after decreases possible damage to them while the floor is being laid out.

How long should a kitchen remodel take?

A kitchen renovation will run more smoothly with a budget and a team of skilled workers put in place. As a general time frame, anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks is an acceptable window for your typical kitchen remodels. Times can vary based on available supplies and different design concepts.

Are there common mistakes I should avoid with my kitchen remodel? 

Alon will take great care of your kitchen remodeling project and provide you with sound advice. One of the biggest problems we run into is clients who want to sacrifice function for design. When the kitchen renovation is complete, you need a space that performs well and serves your everyday activities. Always go for function and something that works for you.

Remodeling your home?

Contact us to schedule your free no-obligation estimate

Call us: (408) 343-8386
Call us: (408) 343-8386